Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Fun Flow

You hardly get kids to do anything, unless they think it is a game. Convince them it is, and they will play it for what it's worth! The same is true with you! Chances are that you are good at the things you enjoy doing. It is very likely you too will be of most service others and create the highest value when you are involved with things you think are fun. Try to get to do those things more often. Follow the fun! If possible, seek ways to make your hobby into your career.

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About the Author

Urban Gavelin a native Swede with more than twenty five years of business experience. He has held positions as director of sales- marketing- and business development on Nordic, European and World Wide levels. Urban has lived and worked in Stockholm, London and New York, now works primarily with leadership development and sales training and is a credentialed coach. He has studied Executive Management at Lausanne Business School and Stockholm School of Economics.

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