Sunday, September 21, 2008

De-Clutter Your Life

We gather lots of stuff during the years. It is a good habit to clean out your storage spaces at home, on the computer and in the office from time to time. Decide to create a de-clutter plan. Prioritize the different areas; allocate time in your calendar and go to work on it. The most important place to de-clutter is your own mind. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that comes to mind so you can deal with it and take appropriate actions. Then make it a habit to always have pen and paper handy and write things down as you come to think of them.

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About the Author

Urban Gavelin a native Swede with more than twenty five years of business experience. He has held positions as director of sales- marketing- and business development on Nordic, European and World Wide levels. Urban has lived and worked in Stockholm, London and New York, now works primarily with leadership development and sales training and is a credentialed coach. He has studied Executive Management at Lausanne Business School and Stockholm School of Economics.

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